comparison solution

英 [kəmˈpærɪsn səˈluːʃn] 美 [kəmˈpærɪsn səˈluːʃn]




  1. Comparison of irrigating solution absorption between transurethral resection and transurethral vaporization for benign prostatic hyperplasia
  2. Comparison of Color Solution via Hungarian Algorithm and Branch-and-bound Method
  3. Validity and reliability of this equivalent transpositional formula was validated by calculation example of comparison between theory solution and numerical solution of finite element in the case of plane strain and symmetry of axes.
  4. Through comparison of the solution methods between dynamic programming and recurrence optimization, it is shown that recurrence, optimization can avoid errors of curve transform and fit; simplify solution process, and provide reference for optimal operation design of small-sized hydropower plant.
  5. By comparison of theoretical solution with results from brittle fracture experiments, the theoretical rationality and feasibility of the proposed model and expression are verified.
  6. By comparison with analytic solution, the simulation results proved that the equivalent method is reliable and applicable for multi-interlayer honeycomb structures.
  7. Comparison method of solution for twist warping of thin-wall continuous bean
  8. Through the initial proof and comparison, the model solution raised can basically meet the requirements of engineering.
  9. Comparison of solution polymerized and rim polyureas synthesis and properties for different hard segment content
  10. A method of using computer aided simple pendulum experiment is discussed The comparison of numerical solution with experiment of a damped pendulum is presented
  11. Comparison for the solution properties of amphiphilic graft copolymers pmma-g-peo and ps-g-peo
  12. Comparison of Solution to Structural Dynamics Response
  13. Four types of elements are respectively applied to model a spot welded structure for car body in this paper. The strengths and weaknesses of each model are discussed based on the comparison between numerical solution and the result of experimental modal analysis.
  14. The comparison theorem of solution for equation with coefficient of Markov process is proved, and the comparison criterions of q-instability and exponential q-instability are given.
  15. FEM analyses of classical static problems and the axisymmetric vibration of piezoelectric circular plate are performed, and the comparison between analytical solution and calculated results shows good agreement.
  16. Verification of the scheme for the dam-break problem in the channel is made by comparison with analytical solution and good agreement is found.
  17. The comparison solution shows that they can make more accurate predictions of the machine tool errors than the lineal models by the least square methods.
  18. Existence and Comparison Theorems of Positive Solution for Partial Difference Equations
  19. The comparison of HRR solution, J-A_2 three-term solution and finite results indicates that HRR solution is only suitable for characterizing crack-tip stress fields of deep-crack specimens and J-A_2 methodology is sufficient to characterize the crack-tip fields for various crack geometry.
  20. Comparison of solution in vector mechanics and analytical mechanics
  21. Comparison of Solution Methods for Optimal Operation of Small-Sized Hydropower Plant
  22. Therefore, it is necessary to test the computation results and further modify the computation method based on the comparison between the numerical solution of the linear or non-linear equations and the trial value or the computation results of typical cases.
  23. A Comparison of HX-3 solution with UW solution for rat liver preservation
  24. The comparison between the presented solution and the solution for the flat-straight punch is also made.
  25. The method for solving the total temperature and total pressure is derived from the fundamental thermodynamics equations, and a comparison between the solution of calorically perfect gas and that of thermally perfect gas.
  26. Comparison between new generation solution model and symmetrical or asymmetrical models in application
  27. The FEA model of prestressed cylindrical receptacle is built, and it shows contact element can be applied to simulate shrink-fit by the comparison with theoretical solution.
  28. This dissertation is devoted to the comparison between the entropy solution of the problem that two-dimensional steady isentropic flow past a duct and the solution of the quasi-one-dimensional problem.
  29. And I show the advantages of the framework in comparison with traditional solution in terms of efficiency and performance.
  30. This article applies homotopy analysis to solve Stefan equation, makes error comparison between the analytical solution of the first steps and the exact solution, solves wave equation and modifies Burgers equation, which illustrates the applicability and superiority.